Interested in becoming a sponsor for our videos?
We’d love to work with you!
Advertise With Us
When you sponsor a video, that sponsorship lasts for an entire calendar year with packages that include product integration from our team within each video, “presented by” logo placement in each campsite walkthrough, social media and SeeMyCampsite.com advertising, and many other options to match your specific marketing budget.
We can also create additional content for your brand (shot on location within the state park that you sponsor) to use not only within our videos but also your own marketing collateral.
Reach a Wide Audience
“A record 10.6 million people visited state parks in 2020. Not only is it a 33% increase from the previous year, it’s the first time in park visitation records that more people visited Utah’s state parks than its national parks.”
2021 boasted more than 12 million visitors.
2022 is on pace to beat both previous years.
Find Out More
If you’d like to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities, fill out the form below and one of our representatives will get right back with you.
Or send us an e-mail at info@seemycampsite.com.